Record Templates
Not all data items are required or applicable for certain records. For example, a fund domiciled in the UK may require additional fields to be populated compared with that in Luxembourg. To reduce the amount of data that needs to be entered, the user interface will hide fields for a record if they are not applicable based on admin user defined rules.

Entity permission rules engine
A new rules-based system has been introduced to make it easier for permissions to be applied automatically to records based on the data held in the system. For example, only allowing a specific business unit to view, edit or approve data held in a certain jurisdiction. |
Report enhancements
- When viewing a report the first 40 columns are displayed by default – the user must download to see complete report.

- Long running report will now download in the background – users can wait for the report or be notified when it is ready
- Selected fields are now paged with improved experience when moving fields position up and down

- New friendly control introduced when creating a schedule

- All report downloads are now saved and retrievable in the ‘scheduled results’ tab
- New date format available to include in file names for scheduled reports: yyyyMMdd
- New permission added to prevent certain users from creating shared reports
- New filters added:
- User defined filters – configure which filters a user can apply to a shared report where they do not have edit access
- Last month end and calendar month end
- Newer than and Older than today date filters
- ‘IS IN’ and ‘NOT IN’ filters
New import feed features
- New metadata fields added, such as, Domicile, Fund Range to help describe import feeds
- New status flags added to dashboard to help track delivery
- Added support for CSV files delimited by semi colon
- New validation rules available, such as, tolerance and stale price
- Late file retry option added
A new market holidays feature has been added to accompany dynamic data imports. Administrators can store market holidays for all countries; this can be used to determine file delivery via import feeds. |
New API endpoints
- You can now retrieve history of all changes to an object – this also includes filtering by change date
- Retrieve configured reporting standards for objects
Validation rules improvements
- Rule ID now visible on the dashboard to easily identify rules
- You can now tag rules e.g., ‘Critical’ and filter by tag
Import enhancements:
- New access point has been added to specifically allow users to create new lookup items via an import
- New rounding options (up/down) when mapping decimal fields for bulk imports
Users are now warned when they are logged out.

Users can now view the history of one field from a layout.
